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Homeopathy Facts
million+ users worldwide
thousands of healthcare professionals
millions of canadians use homeopathy
satisfaction rate
Homeopathy is the second-largest system of medicine in the world, with over 200 million people and 400,000 health care professionals using it on a regular basis. Nearly 10.3 million Canadians use homeopathy with a satisfaction rate of eighty three per cent.
Homeopathy is fully integrated into public health care, medical schools and universities in many parts of Europe, South America and India.
Homeopathy is exceptionally safe and without harmful effects – even for children and pregnant women. Ninety-five per cent of French pharmacists recommend homeopathy to their pregnant patients.
Hundreds of robustly-conducted studies demonstrate that homeopathy works. Seventy per cent of those who use homeopathy experience improved health.
Homeopathy is safe to use alongside conventional medicines without adverse interactions, making homeopathy an especially valuable treatment choice for our aging population.
Homeopathy is regulated provincially and Ontario is the first province to regulate professional homeopaths. The College of Homeopaths of Ontario was established to allow self-regulation of the homeopathy profession within the framework of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and the Homeopathy Act, 2007.