Homeopathy is a great alternative health resource
I have been using homeopathy for 20 years. It has supported me through a stress of a divorce, cancer treatments and numerous other issues. From mosquito bites to impact injuries, upset stomach to grandchildren’s teething pain, I truly value homeopathy. It is simple to use and has no side effects!! It can be used with confidence. When my mother was nearing her time to pass her lungs began to fill with liquid. The remedy she received quickly caused the liquid to dissipate and the look of terror removed from her face. She passed peacefully.
Relief from severe menstrual cramps, help during labour and delivery

In my mid-twenties I developed very severe menstrual cramps. By that time I knew a bit about homeopathy as I was introduced in naturopathic college. Various remedies helped for a time and gave relief but did not eliminate the problem. This went on for a few years. One day, in my early 30s, I was writing the final for my post-graduate training course in homeopathy when the cramps hit our of nowhere. I was in agony. Finally I got up and explained the situation to our teacher, Dr. Andre Saine. He asked me a few questions, looked at his watch,… Read more “Relief from severe menstrual cramps, help during labour and delivery”
Quick relief from severe tonsillitis
I found homeopathy while I was attending naturopathic college in the late 80s. In order to go to the College I first had to complete three years of premed training with various science courses. The first two years of naturopathic college were just like any medical school, we used the same books for our basic training. Then, in third year, we were introduced to the alternative healing modalities. I had no problems with nutrition, botanical medicine, acupuncture and physical therapy, but homeopathy I could not wrap my head around. The whole business of the ultra-high dilutions and having no molecules… Read more “Quick relief from severe tonsillitis”
I suffer from generalized anxiety. My
I suffer from generalized anxiety. My doctor practices both allopathic and homeopathic medicine. He offered great information regarding the various options for treatment, and I chose a homeopathic remedy, as it is the healthiest option. I began taking (remedy) to help me cope with the anxious response I was having to travel, combined with a stressful family event. The remedy was very effective, very quickly. The remedy I was given is Argentum nitricum.
Treated my Kidney Stones
I have a lot of allergies to different drugs so I am constantly seeking for alternatives for first line treatment. I was offered to take homeopathic medicines for my condition, kidney stones and I took Lycopodium 9 c and Colicynthis 9 c. After five days of treatment I flashed the crystal and I got better. Two years now from that experience I never had the same situation again. I was completely healed.
I’ve tried homeopathy on a
I’ve tried homeopathy on a few occasions and now it’s my first go to because most of the time it does work, it’s easy, the remedies are natural with no side effects and it’s relatively inexpensive. One time I hit my knee just under the kneecap and it swelled up like a balloon and was very painful. Did the usual things like going to the doctor, getting an x-ray, icing it. But after I took Ledum the pain was gone the next day. I also got a constitutional remedy for headaches. I used to get a pretty severe headache whenever… Read more “I’ve tried homeopathy on a”
How you found homeopathy. I have always been interested in the person as a whole and found that my GP was a Homeopath who first introduced me to the benefits of homeopathy. How it benefited you or your family. Homeopathy has really helped me heal without the use of anti-depressants. As a family we have also used homeopathy for colds, flu, sinusitis, upset stomachs, pre-exam nerves, sciatica, insomnia to mention just a few benefits we have found.
Katherine Lodge
How you found homeopathy. My friend recommended it when nothing else had helped How it benefited you or your family. It has always helped when conventional medicine has failed. Have a good homeopath is the key.
Emma Colley
How you found homeopathy. After seeing our horses’ amazing recovery from her incurable eye disease and having suffered from migraines since during primary school it seemed only right I try something. Conventional options are limited for headaches and migraine and after having some time as a 17 year old on Beta blockers as the best conventional option, it was time to try something different. How it benefited you or your family. Remedies made a big difference and I’m so very grateful to say that I rarely get headaches even let alone the migraines that used to mean I’d be sick,… Read more “Emma Colley”
Catherine Elliott
How you found homeopathy. For my general sense of well being and as part of an holistic approach to my health. My partner at the time introduced me to a homeopath whom I saw regularly. I never looked back! How it benefited you or your family. It just works! In spite of all the so called evidence against by the powers that be in the medical profession. Over the years, all the various homeopathic remedies I have taken and currently take have benefitted me no end. I recommend homeopathy to all my family and friends. Even my skeptical, allopathic drug-dependant… Read more “Catherine Elliott”