Nielsen Clinic
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Nielsen Clinic's reputation and expertise are unrivaled in the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) field. Nielsen Clinic is actively involved in both provincial and federal health regulations.
Dr. Vijay Nielsen established Nielsen Clinic in Calgary in 2005 and lives in Calgary. Nielsen Clinic provides high-quality, comprehensive health services. We not only focus on an individual's health but also educate and empower our patients to improve in all aspects of health.
Nielsen Clinic has earned the reputation of being at the forefront of healthcare and has integrated additional modalities to meet patient's health needs. Patients have counted on and referred their family and friends to our clinic. Our patients love that we form a relationship and partnership in their healthcare.
At Nielsen Clinic we help our patients optimize their health and wellness by treating them as individuals and by identifying risks and minimizing them. Our personalized approach helps promote health and wellness through restoration, rejuvenation, and prevention by addressing the root cause.
We help our patients; we develop short and long-term goals to help you live your life to the fullest by providing “Personalized Medicine.”