Take Action
Welcome to our Take Action page, where you can get involved in actions to protect homeopathy in Canada and around the world.
Those of us who love and use homeopathy are aware of the ongoing need to stand up for our right to access homeopathic medicines and for the right to practice this healing art.
We invite you to become informed about the campaigns listed on this page. Please visit often to see updates and new actions you can take to protect and promote homeopathy.
The Natural Health Products Protection Association
A Canadian non-profit organization with over 15 years of experience advocating for freedom of choice and the protection of natural health products (NHPs) and dietary supplements in Canada. They have ongoing campaigns that you can get involved with.
Want to learn more? Watch our 5-minute video: Natural Health Products are at Risk
The Charter of Health Freedom
The Charter of Health Freedom is proposed legislation that gives natural health products and traditional medicines their own Act.
The Charter protects our access to natural health products and traditional medicines by creating a separate legal category for them. Rather than being deemed as dangerous drugs under the Food and Drugs Act, under the Charter of Health Freedom, natural health products and traditional medicines are deemed to be safe, as they are in the United States.
The Charter of Health Freedom offers an appropriate, healthy, beneficial, safe and well-rooted change for regulating the natural health community. Canadians are protected by permitting unsafe products to be removed while at the same time ensuring that safe and effective treatments remain available.
To learn more, watch this 5-minute video.
Are you interested in reading more about the history of homeopathy and the current situation in Canada?
The Threat to Homeopathy in Canada: Ananda More and Shawn Buckley in Conversation
Homeopathy has often faced opposition, but now Health Canada is implementing fees and regulations that will have far-reaching consequences for practitioners, manufacturers and consumers of homeopathic medicines. Watch to learn more and find out what you can do to help protect homeopathy.