I suffer from generalized anxiety.

My doctor practices both allopathic and homeopathic medicine. He offered great information regarding the various options for treatment, and I chose a homeopathic remedy, as it is the healthiest option.

I began taking (remedy) to help me cope with the anxious response I was having to travel, combined with a stressful family event. The remedy was very effective, very quickly.

The remedy I was given is Argentum nitricum.

– Claire

How you found homeopathy.
My mother took me aged 13 as I had terrible hayfever and nothing the doctor did helped. The homeopathy cured the hayfever and helped a lot with allergies and asthma. I later suffered from anxiety and depression and homeopathy has been the most effective treatment and I have tried everything including conventional medication.

How it benefited you or your family.
It has cured hayfever, allergies, asthma, injuries of all kinds, infections, teething problems, tonsillitis, warts/verrucas, ringworm, emotional problems, coughs, flu. My kids haven’t needed to take an antibiotic or other conventional medicine (including calpol) more than once or twice and they are 12 and 8.

– Cindy Lund
Anxiety, Asthma, Depression, General Health, Hayfever, Ringworm, Tonsillitis, Verruca, Warts